Merbau Decking 140 x 19 Set Length 1.8 – 3.3m
$9.40 Metre
• Merbau is a very popular hardwood choice for its colour and straight grain.
• Decking size is 140mm x 19mm • smooth top with ribbed underside
• Ribbing will assist with airflow between joist and decking board but can be reversed for ramps
• Typically sourced from South East Asia
• Will drop colour if wet, which can be easily cleaned with water.
• Best to oil / lacquer to preserve colour and prevent cracking.
• Carried in stock in set lengths from 1.8m to 5.7m long in 300mm increments.
• Specific lengths subject to availability and there may be a premium for medium and long set lengths
For more information call 9555 5569.